
Political Education

Movement Generation’s political education programs include multi-day retreats, strategy labs, workshops, webinars, and online courses that aim to build the rich soils of analysis and strategy our movements need to activate, strengthen and grow. Our goal is to build shared understandings of the impacts of the global ecological crisis on our communities and the web of life that we depend on, while igniting strategies for a Just Transition.

Movement Building

Movement Generation’s Movement Building programs nurture, strengthen, and build the movement ecosystem of organizations and alliances that are achieving a Just Transition to local, living, loving economies. We commit to growing and building powerful, thriving movement vehicles that implement visionary and oppositional strategies locally and nationally.

Cultural Strategy

Our Cultural Strategy work begins with the Just Transition and ecological justice frameworks as guides. We collaborate with artists and cultural workers to reimagine dominant narratives and build cultural infrastructure that transforms culture towards economies based in deep relationships. A cultural shift is necessary towards ways of being and knowing rooted in cooperation, sacredness, care, and ecological and social well-being. And it starts with visions of the worlds we need to realign the purpose of the economy with the healing powers of the web of life. We honor the value and power of artists, cultural workers, storytellers, and creatives who hold and express the wisdom and strategies that move our souls, our communities, and our systems toward the future we need.